Light, bright and juicy - Excellent summer coffee!


Our passion for coffee goes beyond our love for specialty coffee flavor exquisiteness. It is a combination of continuous curiosity about unlocking the flavors that single origin coffees reveal and a definitive commitment on how to source amazing quality coffees authentically and sustainably.

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A great cup of coffee starts with the green bean, and our search for the high scoring coffees with complex and consistent flavor profiles are rooted in sustainability.

Roasted in Small Batches in Oakville

As roasters we cannot add flavor or quality to the coffee, our job is carefully roast the beans to find the right spot to highlight the beans potential flavors to showcase the producer’s hard work.


We take pride in working directly with a dedicated and outstanding team of coffee producers, and seek to partner with a like-minded businesses that value quality and sustainability.


  • Roastery Retail & Coffee Lab is Now Open

    We are thrilled to announce that our Roastery Retail & Coffee Lab is now open! Visit us to enjoy a great tasting cup of coffee, or get a bag of freshly roasted beans or brew gear to take home! Discover the essence of exceptional coffee at our family-owned, small-batch specialty coffee roastery in Burlington, ON.

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  • Why Should I Drink Shade-grown Coffee?

    Shade grown coffee is coffee grown under a canopy of tall trees amongst other shrubs, birds, insects, and wildlife. This traditional coffee farming method has become rarer with the prevalence of sun grown coffee.

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  • Mind the grind: top tips for grinding coffee

    Grinding coffee properly isn’t the most obvious task, especially if you’re a coffee newbie. If you’ve ever found your coffee tasted bitter, sour, or flat, there’s a good chance the culprit is the grind. Screwing up your morning coffee can leave you cranky for the rest of the day. We know that you can’t afford…

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