El Salvador

La Revolución

Dark Chocolate / Molasses / Bold

Bean Details

Variety: 50% bourbon washed and 50% bourbon natural

Producer: Various

Country: El Salvador

Altitude: 1,500-1,750 MASL

Roast Profile: Dark



This coffee is a bold and flavourful blend created for our dark roast lovers. This coffee is for those who prefer their coffee vivid and strong. It’s for the days when you feel like you need a boost to keep going or an inspiration to start your day off with a purpose. Revolución means a revolution in Spanish and this coffee embodies motivation and strength. 

La Revolución is made with half bourbon washed and half bourbon natural beans. The bourbon washed beans create a strong and crisp base while the bourbon natural layers with more nuanced and interesting flavours. Learn more about the different processing methods here!

We source our bourbon varieties directly from farmers in El Salvador for the best and most flavourful beans to lend themselves naturally to each roast. 

La Revolución is a rich and complex roast. Slowly hand roasted to a dark profile for a bold and inspiring cup of coffee. This roast brews an amazingly layered cup of coffee with chocolate notes and a molasses-like sweetness. This roast brews a bold cup that won’t disappoint any dark roast lovers. 

Brew Method(s) for La Revolución
This Roast is an expert choice for almost any coffee brewing method. Enjoy black or with milk to your desired flavour. La Revolución also lends itself to espresso-based drinks.