El Salvador, a country the size of Israel, with over 20 active volcanoes and a history as rugged as its geography has created to one of the most exotic and exquisite coffee species around: Pacamara
Pacamara’s flavor notes can drive anyone mad, with jasmine-like aroma, medium body, juicy citrus acidity and a rich, complex chocolate, raspberry, orange and cinnamon taste.
The origins of this exotic bean can be traced back to 1958 to the Institute of Coffee Studies in El Salvador. As the result of experiments, this Pacamara was made crossing Pacas and Maragogype.
The Pacas variety of coffee was discovered in El Salvador, in the region of Santa Ana in 1949 at Finca San Rafael, owned by the Pacas family, hence the name Pacas. It is a natural mutation of Bourbon with similar characteristics but with reduced sweetness and good body.
The Maragogype is a mutation of the Typica variety recognized by its large bean. The plant has a low productivity, but it results in a high quality cup.
Pacamara thrives best in higher altitude with cooler climate. It is resistant to wind and its tree size makes it easier to be harvested in steep terrain, making it a very suitable for the Salvadoran geography of high areas like Chalatenango.
Try some of our Pacamara beans:
Los PocitosFrom$24.00
3 replies on “Pacamara – A true beauty of specialty coffees”
I am a devoted coffee drinker. My best friend Alma brought back a bag of Firebat citric-clementine coffee from El Salvador and it is the best coffee I have tasted in a long time. I would drink this coffee over any other brand hands down. Looking forward to trying your other brands.
A parent treated our staff at school to some brewed coffee from Firebat coffee. “So this is what coffee is supposed to taste like”! Wonderful flavourful coffee!! I drink my coffee rich and sweet, this is the first coffee I can drink black and it is exceptional.
I’ve been enjoying this coffee for almost one year. Two days ago I received my “Limited Edition” Fall Blend. OMG best one yet!! Firebat coffee is crafted to perfection. I highly recommend any of their many different coffees. Great job Gustavo!!!